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SRX20543744: WGS of Quercus rubra
1 BGISEQ (BGISEQ-500) run: 86.9M spots, 26.1G bases, 13.4Gb downloads

Design: 1g genomic DNA was randomly fragmented by Covaris. The fragmented genomic DNA were selected by Agencourt AMPure XP-Medium kit to an average size of 200-400bp. Fragments were end repaired and then 3 adenylated. Adaptors were ligated to the ends of these 3 adenylated fragments. This process was to amplify fragments with adaptors from previous step. PCR products were purified by the Agencourt AMPure XP-Medium kit. The double stranded PCR products were heat denatured and circularized by the splint oligo sequence. The single strand circle DNA (ssCir DNA) were formatted as the final library. Library was qualified by QC. The qualified libraries were sequenced by DNBS EQ: ssCir DNA molecule formed a DNA nanoball (DNB) containing more than 300 copies through rolling-cycle replication. The DNBs were loaded into the patterned nanoarray by using high density DNA nanochip technology. Finally, pairend 150 bp reads were obtained by combinatorial Probe-Anchor Synthesis (cPAS).
Submitted by: Georg-August University of Goettingen
Study: Nucleotide divergence and population genetic in Northern red oak data set
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Whole genome resequencing data of 59 individuals from two locations in the USA - 29 individuals come from Baraga Plains in Michigan and 30 individuals from Lisle Illinois.
SAMN35524132 • SRS17850853 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Quercus rubra
Name: qrubra_mi_50
Instrument: BGISEQ-500
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 86.9M spots, 26.1G bases, 13.4Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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